Update 21-04-29


  • More posts scheduled in the BBS system
  • "DragonPoint" game link added to Games menu
  • "DragonPoint" multi-tiered platforming finished
  • Implemented multiple tilesets
  • Implemented retro-style-friendly parallax scrolling code
  • Set up layered tilesets+objects for action-platforming system
  • Revised NES resolution+palette downsampling to prevent some erroneous behavior
  • Ensured main camera scrolls somewhat more pleasantly when using pixel-perfect mode
  • Programmed platforming mode in the universal 2D character controller
  • Implemented Music Player object (plays, queues, stops bgm tracks, displays bgm track artist and title on-screen)
  • Implemented choppy crossfade transition


GamesWorld_win_210429_stable.zip 24 MB
Apr 29, 2021

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